Andrea Buonaguidi – Editor –

MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne –

Andrea was born in late 70’s in a village in Tuscany and happily there remained until he went to the University where he completed the Bachelor in Letters and Philosophy with a thesis in modern history. Due to further studies, research and working he has lived for years in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Israel. Nonetheless, he can swear it, when he landed in Melbourne it was definitively a cold day full of question marks. As a Journalist he started at the end of the 90’s as a football and local news reporter for a Tuscan Newspaper. Few other things later we find him as a media assistant at the 2015 Asian Cup.  Faithful to the line even when ain’t no line and left-handed but not for writing, Andrea founded the community project Melbourne Puntoit in 2009. Now is the editor of the NewsPaper. Since he arrived in Australia he only lived in Melbourne. Happily obviously.

Andrea’s interview for “Community”. The TV program of Rai International dedicated to the Italian Overseas.

———- ♦ ——— אמת ——— ♦ ———- – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne

(Please Note: Melbourne Puntoit is not affiliate to any government agency, institution and/or committee and do not receive or use any public funds, neither Italians or Australian. It takes time to manage this website, If our contents have been in any way useful to you please consider making a small donation).

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